Membership in the Nebraska Society of CPAs signifies your commitment to the accounting profession and the belief that much can be accomplished by working together. Welcome to the premier organization for CPAs and accounting professionals in Nebraska.
CPA Membership
Zachery Barton, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Omaha
Shruti Beckmann, Brownell Talbot, Omaha
Travis Fry, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Omaha
Robert Harvey, America First Multifamily Investors, Omaha
Brandon Hoerstkamp, McMillen Dovali Co., PC, Omaha
Amy Holzworth, Contryman Associates, PC, Scottsbluff
Heidi Kelly, Boone & Associates, PC, Omaha
Marilyn Lowell, Grand Island
Bob Richardson, LIFO-PRO Inc., Omaha
Diane Sousley, Eide Bailly, Elkhorn
Jill Trucke, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln
Exam-Qualified Affiliate Membership
Michael Vinal, Berger Elliott & Pritchard CPAs LLC, Omaha
Student Affiliate Membership
Lucia Bazis, Omaha, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Sheldon Disher, North Bend, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Steven Watson, Fremont, Calif., Creighton University, Omaha