Pub. 5 2023 Issue 2

President’s Message: Finding Common Ground & Impacting the Pipeline

This story appears in the
Nebraska CPA Pub. 5 2023 Issue 2

Ah, spring! Like the flowers and trees, it’s time for a fresh start.

Spring brings the beginning of our new fiscal year and the annual renewal of your Nebraska Society of CPAs’ membership. We hope you continue to look to the Society as your No. 1 resource for education, information, and legislative representation—and that you encourage your co-workers and peers to do the same. Paying your membership dues may be completed in just a few clicks at

Your One-Stop CPE Shop

Spring is also a time for planning at the Society, and we’ve been busy scheduling this year’s Continuing Professional Education (CPE) programs. The Society’s 2023 CPE Catalog & Member Guide will be arriving in your mailbox soon. You can also view the online version by clicking the button under the guide. The catalog includes a listing of approximately 180 CPE courses and conferences offered through the Society from May through December 2023, along with details about CPE pricing, locations, and registration.

In addition, you’ll find all Society courses on the website at—along with more than 7,100 partner webcasts to satisfy your CPE requirements and educational needs. We’re offering more courses on more topics than ever before, creating a one-stop shop for your CPE needs!

In the guide, you will also find a listing of the Society Board of Directors, past chairmen, committee members, and award recipients as well as updates on the Society’s scholarship program, member benefits, and more.

Moving the Profession Forward

The talent shortage is one of the biggest problems facing the accounting profession today. Overall, birthrates are decreasing, retirements are increasing, and not enough young people want to be CPAs these days—for a variety of reasons and contributing factors. The AICPA, State CPA Societies, NASBA, and State Boards of Public Accountancy are all focused on the future of the profession, from breaking down existing barriers to entry to examining alternative pathways to CPA.

Here in our state, the joint task force of Nebraska Society of CPAs and the Nebraska Board of Public Accountancy starts its important work in May. As you might imagine, there are many moving parts, opinions, and areas for discussion as it relates to increasing the accounting pipeline while protecting the public. In Nebraska, we are fortunate to have an excellent relationship with the State Board. It’s a relationship built on mutual respect with an understanding that, by working together, we can accomplish so much more for the profession and for Nebraska—even though our perspectives and our missions may differ.

I feel so fortunate to represent a profession built on the principles of objectivity, independence, and most importantly, integrity. And I believe it is these qualities that will help us find solutions to today’s challenges.

It’s Time to Tell Your Story

While efforts at the national and state levels continue, you, as an individual, can make a significant impact! Norman Vincent Peale may have said it best:

“One person can make a difference. You don’t have to be a big shot. You don’t have to have a lot of influence. You just have to have faith in your power to change things.”

You know that being a CPA is more than just numbers and regulations; it’s a career path that requires dedication, hard work, and passion. Telling your story, and sharing your passion for the profession, can be a powerful tool for inspiring future generations of accountants. Whether you’ve worked in public accounting, private industry, government, or non-profit organizations, every CPA has a unique story that can inspire students to pursue a career in accounting and the path to CPA. You can provide the guidance, advice, and encouragement to help young people navigate the challenges of the profession and find their own path to success.

In addition, sharing your story can help promote the value of the profession and dispel common misconceptions about accounting as a boring or unexciting field. From working with cutting-edge technology to helping clients achieve their financial goals to establishing your own start-up company, the accounting profession offers a diverse range of rewarding experiences and limitless opportunities, if you choose to take them. Students need to know that, whether they love sports, art, music, gaming, or something else, a degree in accounting can help them work in an industry where their passion lies.

Finally, telling your story can help you reflect on your own journey and celebrate your accomplishments. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day responsibilities but, by taking the time to reflect on your journey, you can gain a new perspective on your career and find renewed inspiration for the work you do as a trusted advisor.

You have a great story to tell. So, get out there and tell it! The profession needs a face—and you are it.

Connect with students in your local schools. Attend events in your community. And engage with the Nebraska Society of CPAs and its Foundation.

That is how we will change the image of the profession. That is how we will attract talent. And that is how we will grow the pipeline.

Joni Sundquist is president and executive director of the Nebraska Society of CPAs. You may contact her at (402) 476-8482 or