Deann M. Haeffner Presented Award For Leadership In Government
Today, nearly half of the Society’s current members do not practice public accounting but instead have careers as educators, in government, or in a variety of capacities in business and industry in Nebraska.
One of those outstanding Society members is Deann M. Haeffner, who received the Society’s 2021 Outstanding CPA in Business and Industry Award during the Nebraska Society of CPAs’ Annual Meeting, held virtually on Oct. 28.
Haeffner is the assistant deputy state auditor with the Nebraska Auditor of Public Accounts, where she is responsible for the review of thousands of political subdivision budgets that are filed with the auditor’s office each year. She also serves as the county coordinator.
With more than 30 years of experience in what may often be described as a thankless job, Haeffner has helped preserve and protect taxpayer dollars. Working for the state of Nebraska, she coordinates the submission of and oversees the annual review of more than 3,000 budgets from political subdivisions throughout the state. She also oversees the audits for all state, county, and local governments, including fire districts, cemetery districts, schools, and all other political subdivisions across Nebraska, working daily with these entities to answer questions and assist with budgets and audits. As the assistant deputy, Haeffner helps manage more than 40 staff members.
Her knowledge and experience exceed most in the profession. Haeffner is often called upon to be an advisor to CPAs in the state. She works with the Nebraska Association of County Officials (NACO) and the League of Nebraska Municipalities to educate political entities regarding budgets and audits. In addition, she provides continuing professional education to members of the Nebraska Society of CPAs each year during the State Auditor’s Update at the Society’s Annual Governmental Accounting and Auditing Conference. She also has testified before state senators in the Nebraska Legislature on numerous occasions.
Haeffner graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1986. She has been a member of the Nebraska Society of CPAs for 23 years; she is also a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers (NASACT). In addition, she conducts peer reviews of other state audit offices across the United States.
The purpose of the Outstanding CPA in Business & Industry Award is to honor Nebraska CPAs who have made a significant contribution to the growth and success of their employers or a notable entrepreneurial achievement. In addition, the award recognizes those CPAs working in business, industry, or government who have distinguished themselves by having made a significant contribution to the enhancement of the accounting profession. The nominee must be a CPA, be a member of the Nebraska Society, and be in good standing with the profession. Selection of the award recipient is made by a committee of Society members and approved by the Society Board of Directors.